A listing of various projects - descriptions, files, and source code included where possible.
Many posts contain associated examples and files, these are hosted in the following Github repos: Python Examples, Power BI Examples, and D3 Examples.
Viz For Social Good: The project is investigating the nature and cause of childhood obesity in London through data viz. Nothing too fancy, but had a lot of fun playing around with Key influencers visual in Power BI.
Community Initiatives: Some recent interesting community initiatives related to Power BI I’ve participated in are 30 Day Query Folding Challenge and Workout Wednesdays.
RHCP Animated Bar Chart: My first forray into D3 (and really any type of web-based development - excuse any nonstandard styling/implentations).
The idea was to develop an animated bar chart that builds over time by datapoint. Full Github Repo available.
Led Zeppelin Radial Charts: An example of combining different chart types into a radial chart wiht multiple layers. Full Github Repo available.
Tableau Public: Various visualizations in Tableau.